Immunization of IT - 1

by Jun 29, 2020Uncategorized

IT must learn from medicine

Strengthen IT resilience!

COVID-19 is once again clearly demonstrating the fragility of economic systems. Somewhere in the world, someone "eats" a bat and the global economy collapses. Reminds me a little of chaos theory. The flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil triggers a tornado in Texas.

IT systems are similarly susceptible to viruses (cyber attacks). And they are similarly fragile. Therefore, following an analogy in medicine, IT should increasingly focus on the "immunization" of its critical systems. Admittedly, personalized medicine is not a concept that can simply be transferred to IT to strengthen its "immune system". I therefore believe that it would behoove us IT professionals to think more outside the box. We need to learn from medicine. This also means that we need to learn from biological defense systems.

The question then is: How can a company "immunize" itself against cyber threats??

There are concepts, approaches and partial solutions. In one to two years, the first areas of a company could be immunized. The result would then be an "IT life" of critical systems without fear of infection! In my eyes, this is a goal worth striving for!

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