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The "blind" run to the cloud is coming to an end: the winner is a hybrid environment consisting of cloud and on-premises. This has many advantages, but also some disadvantages.
In an assessment of "Microsoft online services", a working group of the Data Protection Conference (AG DSK) concludes (PDF) that the encryption of processed data is regularly not possible, for example when data is displayed in the browser...
Migration to the cloud is complex and a major project with plenty of risks for all companies. That is why all attempts to reduce the complexity that the new cloud-based environments entail are more than...
Cyber attacks, such as today's widespread ransomware attacks, are becoming increasingly aggressive. The costs of data theft, caused by downtime, for hardening the IT infrastructure, for ransom money and for restoring a data breach, are becoming increasingly...
DLP is probably the most efficient measure to protect sensitive data and information in a company. The better a DLP solution understands sensitive data and information and the more closely the business processes can be covered by DLP, the more comprehensive the...