Cloud computing for the data-driven future: security, flexibility and costs under control

Cloud computing: the future for companies?


Cloud computing is often hailed as a pioneering solution for modern companies. But is it really the answer to all questions? Can companies reduce their costs, gain flexibility and maintain the highest security standards?

The advantages of cloud computing are tempting: flexible adjustments to the IT infrastructure and potential cost savings are convincing arguments. But in practice, the question arises: does the cloud really meet the high expectations of flexibility and cost efficiency? And what about the security of cloud computing?

e3 offers customized IT cloud consulting services to support companies on their journey to the cloud. Our comprehensive approach considers efficiency, flexibility and security in equal measure. With in-depth expertise in Microsoft Azure and AWS, we guarantee a seamless transition to the cloud. And thanks to our innovative cloud encryption solution Centraya, sensitive data can also be managed in the cloud.

For e3, the cloud is not just another platform, but a substantial change that every company must face in order to be successful in the long term. This innovative technology has the potential to lead business models into a new future. We are happy to accompany you on this pioneering path.



Cloud cost trap: euphoria is often followed by headaches

Reality can be frustrating

Don't underestimate the costs of the cloud

The reality after a completed migration to the cloud can be frustrating. Instead of falling costs, many companies experience an increase in their IT expenditure. And these often exceed the expected budgets of the IT departments.

The hoped-for economies of scale are proving to be a mirage, as the cloud is suddenly no longer able to compete with on-premises solutions due to increased prices from providers such as AWS, Google and Azure. Added to this are rising inflation and economic uncertainties.

Given these challenges, it is understandable that companies are reconsidering their cloud investments.


Carefree in the cloud

Companies and the illusion of security

Data protection in the cloud: repressed responsibility?

More and more companies are storing their data in the cloud, but many do without basic encryption and leave security to the providers, who often only offer rudimentary protection.

In view of increasing cybercriminal activities, this negligent approach is alarming. Many companies also believe that cyber insurance offers sufficient protection, even though premiums are rising and not all risks are covered.

Why do so many companies ignore essential cloud security measures? Are they losing sight of the big picture or are they setting their priorities wrong? The consequences of this negligence can be devastating.

Trend Blog

Cloudification = hybrid?

Cloudification = hybrid?

The "blind" run to the cloud is reaching the finish line: the winner is a hybrid environment consisting of cloud...

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