Business Analysis 4.0

Business and projects succeed despite volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity


Companies and organizations are increasingly recognizing that traditional approaches and processes are no longer sufficient for successful business in the dynamic conditions of the information age.

If you want to master the challenges of the new reality, you need new ways of thinking and new methods. The e3 AG summarizes them under the generic term Business Analysis 4.0. Today, those who act in a visionary, understanding, clear and agile manner will be successful.

Business Analysis 4.0 works on solving current and future problems. Be it the redesign of business processes, customer centricity, software development or the creation of competitive advantages, the development of new business models and worlds. Together with its clients, e3 AG has realized innovative and beneficial solutions, projects and business models that have shown how effectively and efficiently Business Analysis 4.0 can work.



Business analysis does not belong in the sprint!

Let's move away from this opinion

Why are we still discussing this?

Business analysis absolutely belongs in the sprint team. Sticking to traditional, silo-like structures in which business analysts work separately from developers is nothing more than an invitation to failure.

Integrating business analysis into the sprint (or sprint team) maximizes efficiency, enables immediate feedback and ensures that software solutions meet business requirements exactly and in time. Anything else is a relapse into outdated IT practices that costs time and money.


Business Analysis 4.0 - for a VUCA world

Building plans on sand

Building on sand to avoid sinking into the sand

"VUCA", the acronym stands for volatility, Uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

Is it possible to build plans on sand in a VUCA world? It is not only possible, but essential. Business Analysis 4.0 provides the necessary tools.

Traditional methods fail in times of uncertainty, but modern approaches such as agile processes and data-driven decisions create precisely the stability that is needed. Innovative strength thrives on seemingly unstable ground - history and science prove this. Those who do not rely on Business Analysis 4.0 today risk sinking into the sand.

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