Reference FOEN ICT strategy

ICT strategy redefined


The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) has adopted a new ICT strategy for the years 2020 - 2023.
The aim: to drive forward the digital transformation of the office.

The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) is tasked with ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources such as soil, water, air, tranquillity and forests. It is responsible for protection against natural hazards, protects the environment and human health from excessive pollution, ensures the preservation of biodiversity and landscape quality and is responsible for international environmental policy. As part of the development of the new ICT strategy, the FOEN relied on the support of e3 AG.


  • Tight schedule
  • Inclusion of all specialist areas
  • Complex departmental and federal requirements


  • Document analysis
  • Workshops
  • Strategy revision


  • Synopsis from document study
  • Revised ICT strategy
  • Information video for internal communication

In mid-2020, the Federal ICT Strategy 2020-2023 focused on the changes required to align federal IT with future business needs and provide optimal support for the administrative business during the digital transformation. The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) in the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) took this as an opportunity to completely revise the existing ICT strategy, align it with these objectives and at the same time meet its own requirements for modern ICT services.

With this basic orientation, e3 AG was commissioned to develop and implement a suitable procedure for the systematic revision of the FOEN's ICT strategy. The chosen approach comprised two main stages, which built on each other:

Stage 1: Strategic guidelines

Document study of the relevant strategic guidelines and additional documents provided in order to obtain a clear and detailed overview of the individual objectives and guidelines as framework conditions and to determine their influence on the FOEN's previous ICT strategy.

Stage 2: Revising the strategy

With the involvement of specialist representatives and in collaboration with IT, several workshops were held and the key content for the FOEN's ICT strategy was developed. This included the definition of the strategic initiatives and the goals to be achieved, as well as the definition of measures to achieve them as part of the implementation of the strategy. A master plan was also drawn up for the concrete implementation of the defined measures.

As a result, a revised ICT strategy was submitted to the FOEN, taking into account all relevant stakeholders and within the timeframe, which was adopted and implemented by the Directorate before the end of 2020. As an additional service to improve communication within the FOEN, the e3 AG team also produced an information video with the most important content on the new ICT strategy, which is available to employees on the intranet.


Federal Office for the Environment FOEN


Public administration

Employees of e3 AG

Denise Stauber
Stefan Agosti
(contact person underlined)

Customer contact

Christian Schluchter
(ICT project manager)


Strategy consulting,
Business Analysis

From the project management perspective, the collaboration with e3 AG was exemplary. The employees are very competent and were available within the desired framework. Many thanks for the great support.


Christian Schluchter,
ICT project manager FOEN

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