Successfully shaping digital change

by Agile Transformation

Even when business is going well, no company can escape digital change. Today, there are often calls for agility. Agile transformation, correctly interpreted, offers the flexibility to successfully shape change.

The focus of companies is on surviving, growing and being successful in the market. And because many survive, grow and are successful, they see no point in agility. Of course, agility is not an end in itself. So if you can prosper on the market without agility, then that's perfect.

However, if the call for agility is nevertheless heard - perhaps because customers are demanding it or because it is recognized that the competition has long since initiated extensive changes towards an agile organization, then the motto is stipulated company-wide: "We must become more agile!" The change should be implemented now and without compromise. This is when we start talking about agile transformation. However, agile frameworks imposed from above lead to rigid rules. Nobody thinks along with them. The agile transformation fails. Everyone is frustrated.

Now we should ask ourselves several questions: Why do we need to become more agile? Why do we need agile transformation? Does it affect the whole company? And: How can we measure how agile we already are and how agile we need to become?

This brings us to an important point: organizational development does not happen without reason. Moreover, it happens continuously and does not always cover the entire company immediately. Anyone who prescribes agility or adaptability by decree in the company undermines its intention.

Transformation is an ongoing process that is basically always present and never complete. A company can never actually stop transforming itself. The best way to do this is by consciously recognizing and understanding the benefits of agility.

It is important to realize that agile transformation starts with empathy, not with rules and technologies. It starts with giving employees more authority and creating a culture that allows for mistakes and learns from them. More about this in the next article.

We support companies in taking a consciously agile approach to their transformation.

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